Our Services

Southwood Advisors is an alternative legal services provider and consulting firm offering expertise in Consulting, Execution and Solutions.


For In-House Legal Departments

Legal Departments tend to focus on delivering advice to their clients. Often, they are challenged by most efficiently delivering more routine legal services, such as contract management. If Legal Departments embrace offshoring, near shoring, project management and technology tools, they can excel at some of the less glamorous services that are important to their internal partners and customers.

For Law Firms

Southwood believes that law firms are losing execution business to alternative legal service providers. Law firms can embrace this challenge by creating their own alternative legal service divisions or by entering into alliances with alternative legal service firms.

For Alternative Legal Service Firms

Larry Dobosh has extensive experience managing some of the leading providers as a client. Larry can offer marketing and other related services to these firms.


Larry has successfully led projects focused on streamlining contract negotiation processes that have resulted in stronger customer relationships. In addition, Larry has successfully led projects focused on improving the profiling of agreement data that have decreased Operational Risk and increased efficiency.

Larry has extensive experience leading global teams focused on negotiating Master Agreements, such as ISDA agreements, that support trading of over the counter derivatives, futures and options, forwards and prime brokerage activity. In addition, Larry has led global teams focused on improving the profiling of contract terms in internal systems.


Larry has extensive experience leading the implementation of various Dodd Frank and EMIR requirements. In addition, Larry has experience in leading the implementation of regulatory settlements.

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